Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! Plus 25% off everything!
May 17, 2019
If you’ve been following us on social media, you know the news – we have a fourth member, second guitarist extraordinaire Jake Kimberley, formerly of Morning Banana Diet and currently of Flooded. We’re extremely excited to have him in the band – we’re writing new stuff that wouldn’t have been possible without him, and we’re re-imagining old songs too. It’s really cool for all of us to breathe new life into this ever-evolving band. Plus – you like Thin Lizzy style harmonies? We do! Hope you do too!
If you only follow us on the official site, you know the news too and we’re all on the same page. But please do keep up with us on instagram, facebook and twitter (links in email signature) for all the Jake Kimberley and CC news that’s fit to print! We’ll be letting you know more about this gee-tar wunderkind as the weeks and months progress, so don’t miss out!
We are also celebrating Jake by making the entire CC store 25% off, in honor of Jake now being 25% of the CC. Just enter the coupon code JAKE at either bandcamp or bigcartel to receive 25% off any order no matter how big or small. This code will last until June 1st.
And for those of you in the Baltimore area – our first ever four piece show is tomorrow, Saturday, May 18th! It’s at The Windup Space in Baltimore. And sadly, this is one of the last shows at The Windup Space, as the legendary venue is closing its doors June 1st. All the more reason to come out! We’re rocking with Hot Shame and Infinite Pizza from Balmer, and Forest of None all the way from New Hampshire. $8, doors at 7, show at 8! Come on out! Facebook event page is HERE, so rsvp now and let us know you’ll be there!
Want more 4 piece shows after that? We got ’em!
May 25th – Rabid Fest at The Buzzbin, Canton, OH
June 1st – Oliver Brewing Company, Baltimore, MD with Lionize and Distinguished Gentlemen *only USA Lionize show all summer!*
June 1st – Oliver Brewing Company, Baltimore, MD with Lionize and Distinguished Gentlemen *only USA Lionize show all summer!*
June 28th – Atlas Brew Works, Washington, DC with Moon Tooth, TBA (not yet announced)
July 26th – The Pinch, Washington, DC with Myopic, Goosed, and Sweaty Mammoth (not yet announced)
and then…a massive summer/fall tour to be announced, including an appearance at The Blackout Cookout 10 in Youngstown, OH featuring Big Business, Inter Arma, Lo-Pan and many more! We’re working on booking the tour now!
Hope to see all you fine Charm City folks tomorrow at The Windup Space! For the rest of you, don’t forget, you can get 25% off anything and everything at the Caustic Casanova store until June 1st using coupon code JAKE at bandcamp or big cartel.